Tuesday, September 6, 2011

White Mud Nose Pack Review

Price: Under $10
Where: theFaceShop (also eBay)

Things to Note:
  •  When you first squeeze it out of the tube, it's very sticky. Compared to Elmer's glue, this is more sticky.
  • Depending on how much you put on it dries faster/slower.
My Experience:
When I use it, I put a decent amount, not too much, not too little. (I personally think it's easier to apply with fingers because it's kind of a hassle washing it off a brush.) When I peeled it off, some of my blackheads came off. (Good!) However, since I have really deep black heads, this does not take care of the really deep ones. It's good for the blackheads on the surface

Recommend To: People who's blackheads aren't that extreme/deep

My Rating: 6/10

Repurchase: Probably Not

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